Drafts of silence, an audiovisual installation reveals the ongoing disappearance of the train industry at the former railway factory area in Kirseberg, Malmö. Created by visual artist Alexis Rodríguez Cancino and sound designer Silas Bieri, working at in-discourse in the heart of the train construction factory. The installation documents and re-interpret this gentrification phenomena via sound and image portraying interrupted patterns.
“Silence is repeated or constant sound. We automatically define it as non relevant for our consciousness.”
With support from https://carlf.se
In October 2020, Drafts of Silence was part of the art event Ear Sound Scape. The installation for the event focused on Lokstallarna, an old workshop for trains located in Kirseberg, Malmö. Research was made on location and an audiovisual performance was created by matching sound recordings and sound created by the ventilation and other elements of the room with two photo loops presented on monitors in different parts of the room. The photos, sound and empty spacious rooms of the old industrial building created an aesthetically wondrous way of telling the story of Lokstallarnas transformation. In the video below you will find an excerpt of the work, an opportunity to get a glimpse of a temporary moment that is now gone.
2020 / #GALLERY2408 / MALMÖ LIVE
Drafts of Silence is teaming up with artist Jeanette Gostomski (SPACE by Jeanette ) to create a unique installation on the 24th floor of the hotel Clarion Malmö Live. #gallery2408 brings the city of Malmö into a single hotel room, creating a new and interesting way of exploring the city’s surroundings. It is a sculpture installation, a photo gallery and a topographic map filled with sound. To book a stay in the installation visit
Clarion Hotel Malmö Live
// ÅBEN FESTIVAL 2021: Drafts of Silence //
Oplev det kunstnerkollektivet In-discourse’ installation Drafts of Silence – en audiovisuel performance og koncert om brudte rutiner, druknet stilhed og forladte repetitioner.Den auditive videoinstallation tager udgangspunkt i Nordhavn og reflekterer et byrum i transformation, steder under udvikling og historiske industrielle rum, gennem visuel kunst. Det er en audiovisuel reflektion og en dokumentation af tiden, der fanger steder, der ekkoer af tomhed – uanset om grunden er by- og samfundsudvikling eller modgangen fra uventede og ødelæggende omstændigheder.Drafts of Silence kreerer den unikke installation i det ligeså unikke THEKRANE – en tidligere kul-kran i København – og skaber en ny og interessant måde at opleve og opdage byens omgivelser på.Om kunstnerne:
In-discourse er et kunstnerkollektiv med base i Malmø.
The Krane
11. september kl 16:00 – 18:00
Eventet er gratis
Åben Festival er din nye kulturfestival på Østerbro og i Nordhavn.
Festivalen finder sted i weekenden den 10. – 12. september og er støttet af Københavns Kommune, By & Havn, Østerbro Lokaludvalg og Sharingcph.
Læs mere om Åben og find det fulde program på http://www.xn--ben-tla.com/
𝐃𝐞𝐧 𝟏𝟕 – 𝟐𝟏 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 visar Galleri CC kortfilm. Helgen 17 – 19 december visas nedanstående filmer. 𝐃en 21 december – dagen då vintersolståndet inträffar, vändpunkten mellan mörker och ljus, tillika den årligt återkommande Kortfilmsdagen – tillkommer ett filmpaket för barn, mingel och livemusik. – https://fb.me/e/Un8pIkJY
Biblioteket Rentemestervej 76, 2400 København
I den store flotte sal er opstillet 10-14 højtalere, der anvendes ambisonisk og som højtalerorkester. Der ur-opføres lydværker af komponisterne selv:
Natasha Barrett – ”Heterotopia” & ”Growth”
PO Jørgens – ”Universal Time”
Jakob Riis -”Alt. Sound (Sound Check)”
Silas Bieri /Alexis Rodríguez Cancino: ”drafts of silence” – installation.
Programmet på Biblioteket består af 4 dele på ca. 25-30 minutter.
Arrangeret af Alteration i samarbejde med Biblioteket på Rentemestervej. Projektet er støttet af Bispebjerg Lokaludvalg, Københavns Kommune, Københavns Musikudvalg, SNYK, Statens Kunstfond og Koda Kultur.
@draftsofsilence visited Svanö and surrounding areas during a residency earlier spring 2023. Sounds and images of the industrial areas around Ångermanälven were captured through analog film and binaural methods. Among the places visited were the Hydroelectric power plant in Sollefteå, where we collected sounds and images of the tamed streams of water. The collected audiovisuals were presented as an installation during the @nonagonfestival festival.